San Diego Academy Scholarship Application 2024-2025

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Please note the following features of our 2024-2025 San Diego Academy Scholarship Application:

Due to the high number of scholarship applicants and limited amount of funds, our SDA scholarship funds are now on a sliding scale basis. This means the amount that will be awarded will be based on a combination of need and involvement at the Paradise Valley Church.

To be eligible for consideration, students must meet the following requirements:

Guidelines for Student Assistance:

  • Parents/Children must be active members of the Paradise Valley Church.
  • Students must be in good and regular standing at San Diego Academy (or if they are new to the academy, remain in good and regular standing).
  • There must be financial need.

We are accepting applications until July 5, and will be announcing the awards by the end of July. After July 5, applications are not guaranteed to be viewed.

Thank you for filling out our scholarship application. We will be reviewing the applications, and will send out award letters by the end of July.