Paradise Valley SDA Church Directory
There are two sets of instructions. The first is for the app (smartphone). The second is for internet access (computer).
If there are any questions and concerns, feel free to contact the office at paradisevalleychurch@gmail.com
Instructions to download the app:
- Go to your app store and download "Instant Church Directory". The app has a chapel and yellow-greenish background
- Once downloaded, open the app and click "create login"
- You must use the email you put down when you registered for our PV Directory and make up your own password.
- After the login is created, go to your email to verify it.
- Once verified, you may now use the app!
Instructions to access the directory online:
- Go to https://www.instantchurchdirectory.com/
- Click on the tab that says "Church Member Sign-In"
- Click "create login"
- You must use the email you put down when you registered for our PV Directory and make up your own password.
- After the login is created, go to your email to verify it.
- Once verified, you have access to our Paradise Valley Church directory!